Wenzhou International Trade Center Project"> Wenzhou International Trade Center Project">
Zhonghua Group
The central valley of cotton


Real estate >Wenzhou International Trade Center Project

(1)Brief introduction 
The project is located in Oubei Town of Wenzhou City. It is close to Oujiang and Yangguang Road. It will be economical development core zone of Wenzhou City in future. The project covers an area of 4400 square meters and a construction area of 262400 square meters. It is an integrated commercial center including office building, commercial center, apartment, shopping, restaurant, culture and entertainment.
After its accomplishment, 4 social benefits will be generated: complete urban function; promote urban commercial grade; more employment opportunities; create revenue and tax.
(2)Design sketch

主站蜘蛛池模板: 武功县| 康定县| 阳城县| 清徐县| 弥勒县| 崇文区| 项城市| 开化县| 凉城县| 六盘水市| 焦作市| 奈曼旗| 洛宁县| 赤壁市| 平山县| 长春市| 勐海县| 永宁县| 莒南县| 尼木县| 永年县| 洛川县| 武汉市| 德钦县| 三门峡市| 东辽县| 勐海县| 勐海县| 吕梁市| 天门市| 翁源县| 邓州市| 余江县| 盐边县| 扶绥县| 沈阳市| 陆良县| 萍乡市| 武邑县| 会昌县| 南江县|