Textile professional market"> Textile professional market">
Zhonghua Group
The central valley of cotton


Professional market > Textile professional market


Hubei Qirun Zhongbu Cotton Trade Center is Hubei Province key construction project, covering an area of 800mu, with total investment of RMB 1.2 billion yuan. Based on resource advantages and textile industrial foundation, it carries out cotton trade business, including delivery settlement, quality inspection, storage, consultation and training. 
Hubei Qirun Zhongbu Cotton Trade Center is fixed warehouse of China National Cotton Reserves Corporation and national Cotton Trade Market, Louis Dreyfus (Beijing) Company.

主站蜘蛛池模板: 咸丰县| 大名县| 太原市| 老河口市| 颍上县| 澄江县| 武川县| 桃江县| 无锡市| 濉溪县| 禹州市| 阿尔山市| 长乐市| 高平市| 湖州市| 吉安县| 兴安县| 萍乡市| 望都县| 宝坻区| 吉首市| 通山县| 白银市| 永州市| 茂名市| 来安县| 平塘县| 渭南市| 米林县| 会宁县| 临夏县| 墨玉县| 枣强县| 金山区| 南部县| 彰化县| 资溪县| 罗山县| 肥乡县| 县级市| 合江县|