Zhonghua Group
The central valley of cotton


Real estate


Years ago, the group has begun to develop real estate projects, such as, hotel, tourist projects in Qingyuan, Hubei and wenZhou.
Our main branch companies in real estate field: Guangdong Zhonglun Real Estate Development Co., Ltd., Tianyi Real Estate Project, Huihua Property Management Company, Wenzhou Keyi Company, Hubei Runqi Investment Co., Ltd.
Our land storage has reached over 1500 mu. And we have participated in the development of many projects, such as, 300 mu Qingyuan Huanan Decoration City Project, Zhonglun Donghaian Project, Qingxin Project, Hubei Qianjiang Ecological Longxiacheng Project, Hubei Qianjiang Zhonglun International Trade Center Project, Zhejiang Wenzhou International Trade Center Project. 

主站蜘蛛池模板: 云林县| 伊宁县| 广平县| 如皋市| 叶城县| 康马县| 临桂县| 大田县| 徐水县| 云和县| 民勤县| 北票市| 洛南县| 星座| 宜兴市| 通山县| 疏附县| 鄂伦春自治旗| 万宁市| 松溪县| 奈曼旗| 大新县| 东莞市| 土默特左旗| 抚远县| 井研县| 德清县| 台中市| 新郑市| 武邑县| 城固县| 武宁县| 响水县| 盖州市| 丰台区| 和平县| 忻城县| 舞钢市| 塔河县| 普格县| 攀枝花市|